Class Pictures


These are some pictures from two of my classes. The ones with me teaching are taken by the classroom teacher Joanna. They are my Coral Class. The two with me posing with them are from my last class, which is my Starfish Class. I also wanted to mention the wonderful names my students have. My most popular name is Dora from Dora the Explorer. I also have several kids named Nemo. I have one named Hunk, which is the biggest boy in my Starfish Class below. Yvonne, Yolanda, Jerry, Tommy (or variation of), Ada, and Shark are also names that came up. I am sure I have others that I just can't remember at the moment. I'll post more names and pictures as I remember or when I have them. Take care.
Greeting Song with my Coral Class
A A A Ant
A A A Ant! Again
C C C Cat!
My Starfish Class
Starfish Class Again - Look at Nancy in the back!

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